Sustainable Organic Strawberry Production: Social Science in Agricultural Research

Alia DeLong presents results using a novel methodology developed at the University of Florida that integrates scientists’ experimental knowledge and farmers’ experiential knowledge to develop more adoptable research outcomes. These results are from three years of research on a USDA-NIFA funded project, Sustainable Organic Strawberry Cropping Systems for the Southeast. Alia DeLong is a graudate student at the University of Florida in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment.

Economic Analysis: Organic Strawberry Sensory Evaluation

Luqing Yu discusses consumer sensory preferences for several organically produced strawberry cultivars. These results are from research on a USDA-NIFA funded project, Sustainable Organic Strawberry Cropping Systems for the Southeast. Luqing Yu is a graduate student at the University of Florida in the Food and Resource Economics Department.

Spotted Wing Drosophila in Florida Strawberries

Dr. Oscar Liburd discusses management techniques for spotted wing drosophila in organic strawberry systems. These results are from three years of results on a USDA-NIFA funded project, Sustainable Organic Strawberry Cropping Systems for the Southeast. Dr. Liburd is a Professor at the University of Florida in the Entomology and Nematology Department.

Economic Analysis of Cover Crops in Organic Strawberry Production

Dr. Zhifeng Gao discusses the economic impacts of cover crops in organic strawberry production systems. These results are from three years of research on a USDA-NIFA funded project, Sustainable Organic Strawberry Cropping Systems for the Southeast. Dr. Gao is an Associate Professor at the University of Florida in the Food and Resource Economics Department.