Twospotted Spider Mites in Florida Strawberries
Dr. Elena Rhodes, biological scientist at the University of Florida, discusses the key strawberry pest twospotted spider mites and management techniques for organic systems. These results are from three years of research on a USDA-NIFA funded project, Sustainable Organic Strawberry Cropping Systems for the Southeast. Dr. Rhodes is a Biological Scientist at the University of Florida in the Entomology and Nematology Department.
Off-season Cover Crops for Organic Strawberry Production in Florida
Dr. Emmanuel Torres Quezada discusses several leguminous cover crops and how they perform as off-season cover crops in organic systems. These results are from three years of research on a USDA-NIFA funded project, Sustainable Organic Strawberry Cropping Systems for the Southeast. Dr. Torres Quezada is a Post-Doctoral Associate at the University of Florida in the Horticultural Sciences Department.